We are looking for a Financial Analyst with experience in creation and maintenance of financial models / projections, and who can help evaluate strategic ideas from a financial perspective, willing to assume the challenges and responsibility of new corporate projects. You take pride in providing the best quality results to our customers and becoming an integral member of an agile and focused team. Capable of abstraction, creativity, leadership, oral and written communication, negotiation, discipline, and self-learning. Responsible for analyzing financial statements and predicting the future performance of the company. Forecasting future revenues and expenditures, as well as modeling capital structure and budgeting. Financial analysts are also often responsible for keeping track of a company's financial plan
OUR CLIENT: World Leader in Technology for Recharging & Distribution Channel Management.
IMPORTANTE: Aplicar directamente en esta oferta es la mejor forma de hacernos llegar su hoja de vida y tenerla en cuenta para este proceso.
Este proceso de selección competitivo se fundamenta en las políticas y procedimientos de adquisiciones que rigen para garantizar los principios de publicidad previa, transparencia, garantía de la pluralidad y libre competencia, y evaluación objetiva, mundialmente aceptados.
Una de las formas más fáciles de tenerlos es conocer y desarrollar tus habilidades