Customer success managers, also known as customer success managers (CSM), are executives who support the lead in its transition from potential customer to active user of products or services.
Their task is to achieve and consolidate customer loyalty by fostering long-lasting and close relationships with the user. At the same time, their management is focused on meeting the customer's needs over the long term.
As a rule, the customer success manager stays with the same customers for as long as he or she works for the company. In doing so, numerous interactions take place, which fosters loyalty.
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IMPORTANTE: Aplicar directamente en esta oferta es la mejor forma de hacernos llegar su hoja de vida y tenerla en cuenta para este proceso.
Este proceso de selección competitivo se fundamenta en las políticas y procedimientos de adquisiciones que rigen para garantizar los principios de publicidad previa, transparencia, garantía de la pluralidad y libre competencia, y evaluación objetiva, mundialmente aceptados.
Una de las formas más fáciles de tenerlos es conocer y desarrollar tus habilidades